Miguel Poveda presented Rocío Luna from Córdoba with the Lámpara Minera for the most complete cantaora after her performance at the Festival del Cante de las Minas on 12 August.

Rocío Luna. Lámpara Minera 2023

The cantaora Rocío Crespillo Luna, Rocío Luna, won over the audience in the Murcian town of La Unión amidst olés and applause.

Thus, her performance of mineras, cartagenera, siguiriya and granaína and media granaína positioned her as the most complete cantaora and, therefore, as deserving of the coveted Lámpara Minera in 2023.

A lot of work went into winning this award at the Festival del Cante de las Minas. Rocío Luna prepared thoroughly for the occasion, showing her mastery of the stage and impressing the audience with her sensitivity in interpreting the cante. This is how he won the victory.

“It’s a dream come true because I have been fighting for my dream since I was a child, which is singing, and this is a push, being aware that I have to keep on working”, explained Rocío Luna.

More awards for vocals besides Rocío Luna’s award

In cante, other award-winning cantaores and cantaoras joined in. Thus, in group III of Andalusian-bass cantes, María Ángeles Cruzado Garrido (Huelva) won the prize for farruca and Sergio Gómez Delgado El Colorao (Granada) for soleá. In Group II of cantes de Málaga, Granada, Córdoba and Huelva, Antonio José Nieto Fernández (Córdoba) won the award for taranta.

Best guitar and others

Like Rocío Luna’s, the rest of the Festival’s trophies have been associated with new names since last night. The prize for the flamenco instrumentalist, the Filón, was won by the taranta performed by Raúl Pérez Fernández on the piano.

The Bordón Minero, the only prize with two contenders in the final, went to Juan Luis Campos Triguero El Poti, from Granada, for his performance of taranta and soleá.

The Desplante dance awards went to Yoel Vargas, from Tarragona, and Rocío Garrido, from Almería.

Rocío Luna. Lámpara Minera 2023

Los premiados en la edición 2023 del festival de La Unión.

Who is Rocío Luna?

Rocío is not new in the world of flamenco. Her work and tenacity have earned her many other awards. Maybe you remember her from the Melón de Oro de Lo Ferro (Murcia), being the youngest winner in the history of the contest, at the age of 12.

Rocío Crespillo Luna was born in 1998 in Cañada del Rabadán (Córdoba). Atthe age of 7, he was already on stage for the first time, and that’s when he discovered that he would never want to stop going on stage.

When she was only 10 years old, she won the first competition she entered, the National Flamenco Art Competition “Ciudad de Ubrique”.

Since she was a child she has taken part in television programs such as “Menuda Noche” and “La Tarde, aquí y ahora” on Canal Sur.

In 2020 he competed in the program “Tierra de Talento” and reached the grand final. In 2022 she was part of the experimental flamenco show “Times of abundance” organized by the Thyssen Foundation.

She completed her studies at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Córdoba, specialising in Flamenco Singing. en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Córdoba.

She is currently studying for the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Flamenco Research and Analysis.

Rocío Luna. Lámpara Minera 2023

Rocío Luna. Lámpara Minera 2023

Rocío Luna fue Melón de Oro en Lo Ferro en 2010.

Rocío Luna fue Melón de Oro en Lo Ferro en 2010.