They are curious and maybe you didn’t even imagine that someone had a Guinness record, for example, for running a marathon in a flamenco dress and shoes.

Fiestas con mantón de Ulldecona
1 The largest flamenco dance class (2021)
The teacher and choreographer Víctor El Chuli, together with 6 professional flamenco teachers, brought together 734 people willing to give dance classes at the Port Aventura theme park in Tarragona. They learned a choreography from 3:20 minutes from start to finish in half an hour of class and performance. The last Guinness World Record in this category was held in Hong Kong in 2019, but with 268 participants.
Víctor and the team of trainers are from the school
2 The fastest flamenco dancer (1967) is one of those Guinness records, without rival?
The fastest flamenco dancer ever measured is Solera de Jerez (Spain), who achieved 16 heel sounds per second in an electrifying performance in Brisbane, Australia at the age of 17.
Born in the San Miguel neighborhood, Loli Cano, Solera de Jerez, is the sister of guitarist Pericón de Jerez and also dancer Manolita Cano. She made her debut at a very young age and toured the world as prima ballerina in the Luisillo company. On one of those trips, he broke a Guinness record.
Currently, his two daughters continue his legacy in dance and training, with a prestigious school in Marbella.
Solera de Jerez has, among other awards, the National Dance Prize awarded by the Jerez Chair of Flamencology (1968).

Récords Guines del flamenco

3 The fastest shoe in one minute
The highest number of flamenco touches in one minute (for men) is 1,317 and was achieved by Israel Vivancos in 2012, from the flamenco dance company “Los Vivancos”. In the female version, it is Rosario Varela for achieving 1,274 touches in one minute. It was on the Guinness Record set in 2009.
4 A very long Sevillana (2012)
The sevillanas also have their Guinness record. The one with the longest dance, with 1,556 participants for 20 minutes in an event organized by Pascual González and Cantores de Híspalis in Córdoba. The dance was with the classic Let’s dance, let’s dance.
Cantores de Híspalis were called “the Spanish Beatles” and have been fundamental in the history of sevillanas.
5 Best-selling musical single in Spain (2007)
“Amor Gitano”, a duet by Alejandro Fernández (Mexico) and Beyoncé (United States), has sold 480,000 copies in Spain. The sales figure is made up of 160,000 downloads and 320,000 ringtones.
6 Highest concentration of people with Manila shawls (1998)
Organized within the Major Festivals of Ulldecona (Tarragona), a total of 544 women wore their Manila shawls as tradition dictates. Although this time the number of participants was higher than average…
7 Running a marathon in a flamenco dress (2021)
The fastest marathon dressed in traditional Spanish costume (female) is 4h 26min 18s and was achieved by Charlotte Sullivan (UK) in the Virgin Money London Marathon. Including high heels.
This winner lives in Madrid, but she decided to go to the most famous marathon in the British capital to “bring a bit of Spain to her homeland.” In addition, he had a solidarity reason: the 920 euros he won have gone to the Red Cross.

Charlotte corrió una maratón vestida de flamenca