We already knew that it is among the best and, from today, it has that official title. Rafaela Carrasco has received the National Dance Award 2023 from the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

La Bailaora Rafaela Carrasco

It was during the day today, September 6, when the dancer Rafaela Carrasco, in the modality of “creation”, was named National Dance Award. The other award-winning dancer is Melania Olcina within the “interpretation” section.

The two faces of this 2023 for the much-loved dancer Rafaela Carrasco

He deserved it, without a doubt. Because, above all, in addition to being a great professional, she is an even better person.

From these lines we want to congratulate the dancer who awakens so many emotions with her dance. This award, according to the same Ministry, values“the uniqueness of his creations and having marked a choreographic discourse within flamenco creation”. In addition, for being “a current reference, transmitting its particular style to future generations”.

His masterful art already has several awards throughout his career. For example, several Giraldillo awards and the Max for the Performing Arts.


The choreographer and dancer Rafaela Carrasco was born in 1972 in Seville. His training has been linked to two great masters: Matilde Coral, from whom he learned the discipline, technique, and passion for dance, and Mario Maya, who offered him his first professional opportunity and with whom he discovered the stages.

At the age of 24, he settled in Madrid, where he would share the stage with Farruquito, Teresa Nieto, Amargo, Duquende, and many other top-level figures.

In 2002, his restless spirit encouraged him to set up his own company, with which he has premiered works of great national and international recognition. In addition, between 2013 and 2016, he was the head of the Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía.

Your vision

His professional career is marked, since its inception, by the research of dance and a particular vision of flamenco, absorbing knowledge from other disciplines. He does not abandon the root of the genre, but he does make a very personal way back and forth in his experience and expression of dance.

All this moves him to his facet teacher. She has worked as a teacher in essential schools, such as Amor de Dios in Madrid, the Flamenco Center for Scenic Studies of Granada, and the Festival de Jerez. She teaches international courses and is a professor of methodology and didactics of flamenco at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid María de Ávila. In that same institution, she holds the Professor of Flamenco Dance position. As she explains:

“I started teaching sevillanas at the age of 12 to be able to pay for the dance academy and I have never stopped teaching…”

His most recent show is: Nocturna. Architecture of Insomnia


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