Flamenco and painting come together in this audiovisual beauty with which the Prado National Museum celebrates diversity and art during LGTBIQA+ Pride Week 2023. The whole video shared by the Museo del Prado above these lines.

The protagonist is Manuel Liñán, choreographer and dancer, winner of the 2017 National Dance Prize. The context is the exhibition “Guido Reni”, which closes on 9 July.

The beauty of flamenco in the steps of Manuel Liñán

This fascinating choreography is a tribute to the “humanised divinity” of Guido Reni’s creations, embracing the power of dance’s pluralism, freedom of transformation and richness of artistic expression.

Next to the sculptures representing Hypnos and Aphrodite crouching and in front of Hippomenes and Atalanta by Guido Reni in the exhibition that the Prado dedicates to this great 17th century Bolognese artist, Manuel Liñán, dancer and choreographer, creates a piece that breaks the social and artistic rules that impose in some way that the artist must manifest himself according to his gender. On this exceptional occasion he is accompanied on vocals by Miguel Heredia.

Manuel Liñán

An artist with flamenco roots who exudes purity in himself and in the dance he transmits, Manuel Liñán is life, freshness and passion. After years of research into new trends, this dancer and choreographer is inclined to take dance to an unusual point between genius and simplicity, placing it in the flamenco avant-garde.

His shows are characterised by an absolute mastery of the stage space and the ability to create new paradigms and extract the maximum potential from them.

Museo Nacional del Prado