Claudia La Debla at the peña La Platería

Jul 13, 2023

A brilliant performance by Claudia La Debla in the peña La Platería, a magical place for the strength and duende of this young dancer.
Claudia La Debla en La Platería

The bailaora Claudia La Debla offers her best dance in the oldest peña, La Platería. Despite her youth, La Debla shows great purity and wisdom on stage.

The peña of La Platería has experienced several performances of La Debla throughout its young rise, and since it was a child. It is a place that the dancer from Granada likes because of the “Duende” it has, as she has said on occasions.

Claudia La Debla

Claudia Calle García was born in December 2005 and at the age of four she made her debut in a peña in Granada. She was part of the flamenco group of the cueva-tablao La Venta El Gallo, which saw her grow as a flamenco figure. She was baptised with the artistic name of Claudia La Debla by the brilliant Curro Albaicín.

Participate in Los Sabios de la Tribu 1, documentary directed by Chus Gutierrez, on the TV programme Siempre Niños produced in Miami, and recorded in Seville a documentary with American direction and Japanese production with José and Pastora Galván, El Perla and Ana de los Reyes, among other artists. He will continue on the small screen with a film directed by Antonio Donaire.

On 20 January 2020, he will take part in the Festival Flamenco de Jódar, alongside artists of the stature of Jesús Méndez, David Palomar and Raúl el Perla. Paco Ortega takes it to the Festival de Flamencos y Mestizos de Madrid 2017 and Úbeda 2021. She danced in the LVIII Noche Flamenca de Campanario, in Badajoz, and is part of both the show and the album Identidad, by Alfredo Tejada.

His career has been lightning fast, sharing the stage with artists of the stature of Antonio Canales, Pastora Galván, Pedro el Granaino, Juan Pinilla and Israel Fernández, among others. In ALL FLAMENCO you can enjoy some of his best shows.