Her personality turns the flamenco that Juana la del Pipa carries in her DNA into a capital one. In this show by Andrés Peña, Campanas de Santiago, the artist shows why she is a point of reference for those of yesteryear and today.

Our Tina Turner

This is how she is nicknamed for her innate strength and her undeniable character on stage. This is how she is nicknamed for her innate strength and her undeniable character on stage. Daughter of another Juana the Pipa, a great flamenco figure, she is the guest artist of Andrés Peña’s show at the 25th Festival of Jerez.

Andrés Peña

Andrés Peña was born in Jerez de la Frontera, in 1976, and began his first dance steps at the age of 10. He was first trained under the guidance of the teacher Angelita Gómez, and later with different and important masters of flamenco dance. He teaches flamenco dance and has given courses in the cities of Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Cadiz and Jerez de la Frontera. And internationally, in countries such as Norway, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, the USA, England and Japan.