Yoel Vargas, ganador del premio Desplante.
About to turn 20, Yoel Vargas has just won the Desplante prize at the Festival del Cante de las Minas. An award that encourages him in a career as a flamenco dancer and choreographer is not easy nowadays.
Accompanied by his parents and with a lot of nerves, this Tarragona-born bailaor came to La Unión to compete for the Desplante prize for the best of 2023 in this Murcian competition. In the semi-final he performed seguirilla and taranto, and in the final, taranto. He won.
It is not the first time he has won an award, but he acknowledges that it is the first of this magnitude. He already has, among others, the AISGE Foundation’s award for “excellent dancer”.
And, in the midst of the Paloma long weekend, during this magical moment, he was kind enough to talk to us and tell us a little more about himself and his love of flamenco dancing: “I don’t want traditions to be lost, such as dancing with a Manila shawl, but I also like to incorporate more modern elements”, he says.
What were your thoughts when you found out that you were officially the best dancer at the festival?
It was spectacular! I was less nervous than when I won in the semi-final because I already feel like a winner by being a finalist. But, of course, winning a prize of this level is a springboard for an artist, and I thought that, to be honest. It is very hard to dedicate oneself to dance and these recognitions give encouragement and opportunities.
And it should be added that the prize money, which I believe is 6,000 euros, is not small.
Yes, that is the amount. This race is very expensive, right from the start. Any help is welcome, but almost more than that particular money, this kind of award puts artists in a better position to receive support from the administrations.
How have you prepared for your participation in the competition?
The idea had been on my mind for some time. Until around the month of December last year, I started with the guitarist Noño Santiago to prepare a new choreography, the staging, the steps… Noño has been my tocaor at the festival, and I owe him a lot, because he makes me a “tailor-made suit”, and that is a privilege.
It is also a privilege to be accompanied by the great cantaor Enrique el Extremeño. When I found out that he would be with me in La Unión, I was thrilled.
I don’t want to forget to mention José Cortés El Indio al compás and another cantaor, Miguel Ortega. I have received nothing but love and support from all of them.
Have you already found a place for the trophy?
At my parents’ house. There is no better place. Both my father, my father and my sister supported me from the beginning. They help me, encourage me and are always there. They are also my worst critics (laughs).
Didn’t they freak out when you said “I want to be an artist”?
I never had to say it so explicitly. It happened slowly. I used to watch my sister dance and at only three years old I was already imitating her. Besides, art is very present in my house. My father is a big fan of painting, my mother is a fan of styling and fashion; music of all kinds, from jazz to, of course, flamenco, is played… I haven’t had any problems in that sense, I’m very lucky. And they have made many efforts so that I could study and dedicate myself to what I like.
Looks like you’ve had it easy…
On the family side, yes, but I assure you that this is very hard. You shed a lot of tears, it’s hard to make yourself known and there is no support for young people who want to dedicate themselves to dance. I don’t mean to imply that you can’t do it, just that you have to sweat a lot. But if you want to and if you are consistent, you can do it.
The great references for this bailaor are Carmen Amaya or Antonio El Bailarín and Antonio Gades. Among the artists of other disciplines, from Paco de Lucía, Enrique Morente or Sabicas, to Vivaldi.
You perform in different tablaos in Madrid and other areas of Spain. What is it like for a flamenco dancer to perform on this type of stage that is so reviled by enthusiasts?
I perform in tablaos when I’m not touring. For example, in El Cordobés, Flamenco de Leones, Los Porches or Las Carboneras. I think they are perfect places to be close to the audience and they are also a thermometer to try new things, to see if a step or a choreography works or not. The truth of your flamenco comes out in a tablao.
I always prepare my performances to the maximum, wherever they are. Moreover, they are one of the few places where a flamenco artist can make himself known and earn money for his work. I respect them, I created a choreography with the name “Flamenco, Tablaos”. I premiered it in Tarragona in March.
You were lucky enough to join Manuel Liñán’s company, are you still with it?
Indeed, I continue in it, and I am grateful to be close to Manuel Liñán, who is a teacher to me. He is very generous and passes on what he knows. Thanks to this, I travel the world and learn a lot.
Yoel created his first choreography at the age of 13 in Berlin for his performance. He has continued this creative work with other shows such as the aforementioned “Flamenco Tablao” and “La Flor de Granada”.
What other teachers do you remember fondly?
To my teachers at the Professional Conservatory of the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, where I graduated; to Inés Rubio and José Manuel Álvarez. When I join with companions in Amor de Dios, I also learn, and on the trips, of course.
Apart from the formal aspects, what lessons do you take away from those first years?
The discipline. At the Institut de Barcelona, we had a very specific and fixed timetable for preparation and work. That has stayed with me and I am grateful for it. A dancer has to take good care of himself and discipline is the minimum for that. When I am not working, I go to the studio and do my exercises, without missing a single one.
And personal life, when?
My life is flamenco creation and dance, I am happy to be able to dedicate myself to it. I don’t want to be the most famous, I just want to be able to develop and realise my dreams.
I have been told that one of your dreams is to have your own company.
In time… First I have to keep growing and training. It is not a goal, just a dream. We’ll see what life has in store.

Yoel Vargas en el Cante de las Minas.

Los premiados en la edición 2023 del festival de La Unión.

Actuación de Yoel

El bailaor es un defensor de la Escuela Bolera.