Tribute to El Carrete de Málaga

Aug 24, 2023

A heartfelt tribute to a unique bailaor: El Carrete. Don't miss the opportunity to see flamenco greats on the same stage.
El Carrete de Málaga

Great flamenco stars, such as El Junco and David Palomar, come together in an impressive and exciting show in tribute to the dancer from Malaga, El Carrete, also known as “the gypsy Fred Astaire”. See in this premiere why he is a unique and incomparable artist.

In addition to El Carrete de Málaga, the following will also take part in the show David Palomar (Vocals), Pastora Galván (Dance), Rubén Lara (Guitar), Joaquín Losada (Guitar), Francisco Vinuesa (Guitar), El Junco (Dance), Rubén Guerrero (Dance), Falito de Málaga (Dance), Rocío Molina (Dance), Fabiola Santiago (Vocals), Luisa Chicano (Dance), Rubén Portillo (Guitar), Jorge El Cubano (Hand-clapping and jaleos), Dani Bonilla (Hand-clapping and jaleos), María La Manzanilla (Dance), Vane la India (Dance), Cristina Pagés (Dance), Antonio Soto (Guitar), Joaquín Losada (Guitar), Alex Otero (Percussion) and Teo Sánchez (Presenter).

Press play to watch the trailer of the show, which you can enjoy in full on the APP, on Orange and on Amazon Prime.