Flamenco jewels: Andrés Peña, Paco Cepero, Rancapino and more!

Aug 21, 2023

Selection of the best flamenco in the Flamenquísimo program, with Israel Fernández, Rancapino or Juana la del Pipa.
El mejor flamenco

A new chapter of Flamenquísimo arrives on the TV channel and your APP with a selection of the best flamenco by great artists.

Unrepeatable moments of the best flamenco, such as Paco Cepero playing Rancapino or Andrés Peña dancing to Juana la del Pipa, in encounters that are jewels of flamenco history. Flamenquísimo: Jewels of Flamenco.

Great artists with their best flamenco

Andrés Peña: este bailaor jerezano siempre ha estado vinculado a grandes figuras del flamenco, como la bailaora Carmen Cortés, a cuya compañía perteneció, o a Eva Yerbabuena. He has also danced for guitarists such as Pepe Justicia and José Luis Montón. He is a teacher and creator of several very successful shows.

Juana la del Pipa: Juana Fernández de los Reyes, cantaora y bailaora gitana, es de una de las puras razas de artistas del mundo del mejor flamenco del cante y el baile. She is the youngest of the daughters of Tia Juana la del Pipa, an innate and self-taught cantaora and bailaora, and one of the greatest representatives of the cante de Jerez.

Rancapino: His personal singing, from Lo Jondo, make him unique. Paraphrasing the great Manolito de María, when Rancapino sings, he remembers what he has experienced.

Israel Fernandez: gipsy from Jerez, sings with his heart. From the depths of flamenco with a touch of jazz.

Pepe Habichuela: From a long flamenco family, his style is pure in the wisdom of the great masters. Pepe Luis Carmona founded the “Barbershop of the South”. At the height of fame, he left the group to create his own music.

Paco Cepero: Guitarist and composer, he is considered a living legend of flamenco and one of the best guitarists of our time. He is the great-nephew of the cantaor José Cepero.

The Reel of Malaga: His dance is characterized by great ease and freedom. Far from fearing the incorporation of external masteries to flamenco dance, the Reel was inspired by Fred Astaire’s tap dance to shoe.